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Accelerated Reader

Grades 1 – 5 use Accelerated Reader.

AR – Accelerated Reader is an online database used to test reading comprehension.  After finishing a book, the student takes a short, multiple-choice online quiz. (These quizzes may be available in Spanish or read-aloud versions.) The quiz checks if the student has read the book and understands it. 

There are no AR QUIZ RETAKES or deleting quizzes!
AR is a one-time assessment of reading comprehension.

Student AR username and password
user name = “s” + student number      (Example: s123456)

student password = (first initial of first name) + (first initial of last name) + student number  (example: ve123456)


There is also a cool feature called AR Bookfinder which allows you to check if a book is AR. AR Bookfinder link:

AR Home Connect is a wonderful opportunity for parents to help monitor their child’s AR progress. This site also allows parents monitor student performance and percentage correct for quizzes (85-100%) and any other goals set by your child’s teacher. Parents can also sign up to receive an e-mail for each quiz their child takes on AR by logging in to Home Connect. Parents must access the site using the child’s user name and password.

Username: your child’s username for AR (see password instructions above).


What is Accelerated Reader?

Accelerated Reader offers unlimited access to hundreds of quizzes on books from publishers around the world. With so many fun, motivational quizzes to choose from, students will be able to read most any book they choose—from home, from the school library, from the public library—and take the associated Accelerated Reader quiz. The Accelerated Reader is a computer-based reading motivation program that is currently in use by more than 14,000 schools across North America. The program is simple: The child either reads or has read to him a book from the Accelerated Reader book list. The child then takes a computerized test on the book, answering simple multiple-choice questions that check their recall of basic facts and events in the book. After finishing the test, the child gets a point score based on the difficulty level of the book and the number of questions they answered correctly. The computer keeps track of every student’s points. We would like you as a parent also to become involved in our Accelerated Reader program. One way you can do this is to read to your child. Major research has revealed that the most important factor determining whether a child will become a proficient reader is whether they are read to by parents. Reading aloud to and with your child is one of the most important things you can do to help him or her become a good reader.

 Take the Accelerated Reader Code of Honor Oath.

“I will only take quizzes on books that are within my assigned reading range, unless I have permission otherwise from my teacher.”

“I will only take quizzes on books that I have read or been read to me within the last week.”

“I will not take a quiz on a book that I have not read or that someone has not read to me.”

“I will not try to pass a quiz from watching a movie, video, or television show.”

“I will not discuss AR quiz questions or answers with other students.”

“I will not take a quiz for another student.”

“I will not reveal my password to any other student.”

“I will not accept help from friends and family when taking AR tests.”