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Library Guidelines for Students

Library Guidelines for PVPV/Rawlings Students


Library Classes
Each teacher has a set day/time to bring their class to the library.  In addition, students may come to the library for independent book checkout and research as needed with teacher permission.


Book Check Out
Students may check out books for up to 7 days. All books are due on the student’s next media resource day. Students are welcome to come to the library (with teacher permission) to select more books and to return books as needed. 

Kindergarten: 1 book checked out at a time (all year)

1st Grade:1 – 2 books checked out at a time

2nd Grade: 1 – 2 books  checked out at a time

3rd – 5th Grade: 3 books checked out at a time


BOOK CARE TIPS! titleBookPlease remember to take extra good care of your library books!

  • Always make sure that you keep your books in a safe place.
  • Make sure that your books are kept away from food and drinks.
  • Turn the pages carefully so they will not get torn.
  • Keep your books away from your pets. Your pets may get hungry and try to enjoy them!
  • Keep pencils and crayons away from your books. Don’t write in your book!
  • Use a book mark. Do not turn pages down.
  • Do not pull labels and stickers off of the books. This is how we identify and locate a book in the media center.