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to the Physical Education Department

01D638AB-0118C716About our Program
At PVPV/Rawlings, the goal of our Physical Education program is to enhance the learning process by making the classes enjoyable as well as educational. The most important objective is for the students to understand how important physical activity (exercise) and nutrition are to maintaining an active lifestyle throughout their life. Teamwork, social skills, and sportsmanship are also heavily emphasized during each activity.
Primary (K-2) Curriculum
In the primary classes, the curriculum is focused on motor and loco-motor skills. Coordination (eye/hand, eye/foot, etc.), balance, and teamwork are just a few of the skills students will be improving on in various games. The students also have an opportunity to practice individual skills through their “routine” activities they participate in.
Intermediate (3-5) Curriculum
In the intermediate classes, the curriculum is focused on game skills, strategies, rules of the games, and team sports. These skills are practiced in various lead up games and activities, eventually leading the students into a structured game situation.

Fitness Gram Pacer Test

The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. Students begin at the starting line. Once the test begins, the running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear the signal (beep). A single lap (length of the basketball court), should be completed when you hear this signal (ding). The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over.

Kids Heart Challenge
We do Kids Heart Challenge to teach our students to live a healthy lifestyle and for them to understand how they can help the community. We have partnered with the American Heart Association for the past 25 years to help raise money to help fight heart disease and stroke. The students have an opportunity to earn prizes for raising money while their own hearts benefit from the exercise. Over the past 25 years we have raised over $200,000 for the AHA. WAY TO GO!!!  Our PE department also benefits from the money raised in the form of gift certificates to order new equipment.
Field Day
A fun-filled three days of physical activity emphasizing sportsmanship, teamwork, and cooperation.
K-2 Coach Sparks
3-5 Coach Harden sf7_email1
