Transportation Changes
& Early Dismissal
Please call our school receptionists to arrange transportation changes and early dismissal before 2:15 (1:15 on Wed).
SJCSD Bus Transportation: 904-547-7810
Please email and include student’s name, teacher, and reason for absence.
March 10 – 14: Early Act Spirit Week (see below)
March 12: Volunteer Breakfast 9:00am in the PVPV cafeteria
March 14: Teacher Inservice Day (No School for Students)
March 17 – 21: Spring Break
March 25: KG – 2nd grade Kid of Character lunches
March 26: 3rd – 5th grade Kid of Character lunches
March 26: Character Cup 4-6pm @ Tocoi High School
March 27: District Battle of the Books Virtual Competition
March 26 – April 2: Kids Care Towel/Blanket Collection Drive for the Humane Society
April 7 – 11:Scholastic Book Fair
April 9: Night of the Arts 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
April 11: Donuts with Dads & Dudes 7:30am Rawlings Cafeteria
April 18: No School
May 26: Memorial Day – No School
May 30: Last Day of School / Early Release Day
School District Master Calendar
2024-2025 REVISED Month-by-Month SJCSD CALENDAR (with Hurricane Makeup Days)
2024-2025 SJCSD Master Calendar
2025-2026 Month-by-Month SJCSD Calendar
Don’t miss out on the chance to design your child’s page in the yearbook!
This page is dedicated to you, your family and your child’s accomplishments and memories.
Go online today to purchase your ad and take part in this special tradition.

Street Performers at Night of the Arts
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Do you have a talent?
Do you take private voice/instrumental lessons?
Do you like to perform for others?

Sea Turtle Links
Character Counts!
In 1998, the St. Johns County School District, along with area businesses, youth organizations and civic groups, selected the national character education program of CHARACTER COUNTS! as a countywide initiative to instill positive character traits in our young people.

School District News
Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Parent Survey
Each year, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) conducts a survey designed to provide FDOE and the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, with information on how well Florida's schools are partnering with parents and promoting parent involvement in their child's education. The survey is open to all parents of children with an individual educational plan (IEP) receiving ESE services from preschool age through grade 12.
The 2024-2025 ESE Parent Survey is open beginning February 2025 and will close on June 30, 2025.
Your responses will help guide efforts to improve services and results for children and families. All information provided will remain confidential. You may submit one online survey for each child receiving services.
FortifyFL App
FortifyFL is a website and app developed at the direction of the Florida Legislature. Any student, educator, parent, or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or getfortifyfl.com.
Florida school districts are now required by the FLDOE to make a FortifyFL Training Presentation available to parents and guardians.
School Access
This is just a reminder that anyone (parent, guardian, friend, neighbor, aunt, uncle) must have school access to attend an event at PVPV-Rawlings Elementary, have lunch with a student and/or attend an awards assembly. If you have not already done so, please complete the School Access Form. The process for approval may take up to 4 weeks, so please fill out the application sooner than later for any guests that would like to have school access. Once the application is approved, school access will be valid for three years.